應廣大設計師要求,為了給參賽單位及參賽個人更多創(chuàng)作時間,經(jīng)研究決定,本次中馬創(chuàng)意與設計聯(lián)盟LOGO有獎征集設計大賽作品征集的截止時間由2023年7月31日延期至2023年8月31日。還未向我們投遞參賽作品的設計師如有參賽意愿仍可積極參與。 對于本次大賽征集作品延期提交給相關人員帶來的不便,深表歉意,敬請諒解!我們將全力做好延期的后續(xù)相關工作! 中馬創(chuàng)意與設計聯(lián)盟LOGO有獎征集 設計大賽組委會 2023年7月30日 Announcement of Extension for China-Malaysia Creative and Design Alliance Logo Design Competition with Prizes In response to the requests of numerous designers and to allow more time for creative endeavors,after careful consideration,the deadline for submissions to the China-Malaysia Creative and Design Alliance Logo Design Competition with prizes has been extended from July 31,2023,to August 31,2023.Designers who have not yet submitted their entries but still wish to participate are encouraged to do so actively. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by the extension of the submission deadline for this competition and kindly request your understanding.Rest assured,we are fully committed to ensuring a smooth and successful continuation of the competition. Best regards! The Organizing Committee of the China-Malaysia Creative and Design Alliance Logo Design Competition.